Does your iPhone/iPad screen look like it’s in a x-ray or negative mode? If so, there is a good chance the “Invert Colors” option is turned on. Here is how you can turn that option off if you accidentally enabled it:
1) Go to “Settings” and then tap “General.”
2) Tap the “Accessibility” option.
3) There is an “Invert Colors” option that you can toggle on/off with a swipe.
Update: June 2022
If you’re on iOS 13 or later, Accessibility has moved.
1) Go to “Settings” and scroll down and tap “Accessibility”.
2) Tap “Display & Text Size”.
3) Scroll down to the “Classic Invert” option that you can toggle on/off with a swipe.
37 comments. Leave new
Thank you
Colors not inverted. What can I try now?
You may have a hardware issue. You can try restoring the software, however if that doesn’t work. It’s best to take it to your nearest service location.
This didn’t work. Any other suggestions?
This worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
Thank you husband was going to throw it out
Thanks! It worked!
This option now under Accessibility > Display Accommodations
Thanks. You saved the day..
Thanks! No idea why this suddenly flipped on? But you saved the day!
Thank you
Thank u
I don’t have any apple products but my kid does. This post was very helpful.
Is there a way it might have randomly switched itself on? She’s positive she didn’t do this.
There is no accessibility under general is this thing… is driving me crazy!
Thank you this was the issue, It is now resolved.
Great that worked perfectly!!!
my screen on PC looks like xrays why how to fix that
My I pad is showing a negative image on almost everything theirs not accessibility in the general tab.The accessibility tab but it only has smart invert and classic invert
Nope no accessibility what now
Thanks, it worked for me too. Smart people!
Thank you. Worked perfectly!
Whoo, you make my heart normal. Thank you. 😃
I have IOS 14 on my phone. I was having the issue of my photos looking like an Xray. I read the comments above but couldn’t locate the inverter options listed. I went settings, general, display and text size and then to “smart Invert”, and turned it off. It WORKED! 🙂
Hope this helps others.
Nothing is working. If I choose to read comments, the picture becomes normal behind the comments. I’ve tried turning on and off all the comments from google. Any new ideas?
I have the new ipad 2021 small. same issues on certain websites. Flipping the settings dosen’t change the display on images inside some websites.
I love you!
Its not the invert colors, in my case it was the ZOOM option that brought ipad to a x-ray mode. Now, its solved
Doesn’t work
My ipad as a similiar issue.. the pics and vids are like negatives but the text and icons are normal.. i tried to invert the colours, even set everything back… no dice.
thank you I can see I can see
The only screen that has the negative look if my magnifier screen. All else is normal. If i turn classic invert on then entire screen negative look.
Thank you! One swipe and my screen as an Xray. This fixed it 🙂
I don’t have accessibility, how can I remove x ray vision please?
worked thank you
I had the same issue. When I went to Accessibility, Smart Invert and Classic Invert were toggled off. What worked? Tap the screen three times quickly using 4 fingers. Click on Choose Filter. Select None.